Leith Hall 1902 – tenantry

November 18, 2015

Charles Edward Norman Leith-Hay followed his uncle Alexander Sebastian to the Lairdship of the  Estate in 1900. Charles was a very popular and much liked and respected landlord who did much to improve the lives of tenants on the estate. Perhaps a sign of his popularity, the image of each of the tenants of the estate in 1902 collaged together with Charles, provides a memorial of the time. If anyone is able to pick a face and identify a person from the day I can image map the picture to reflect this persons details on to a separate page on information where their family ended up as the 20th century progressed. Information on particularly those whose descendants ended up in Australia or New Zealand is of particular interest.

A larger image can be obtained by clicking the picture below which will allow zooming.

Leith tenants group1a